Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Best Real Estate Logos Ever

ReaList Realty


Citi Estate


First Premier


Dan Strickland


Andrew Estates


5 Best Education Logos

Mind Coral


 Sampurna Gyan


MacMillan Higher Education


Global Education Academyhttps://thelogocompany.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/main_GlobalEducatiD05aR02aP13ZL.jpg 




5 Best Business Logo Designs

Mutual Wealth Formation


Sports Academy


 S&S Construction


Shini Cleaner


Natural Pharmacy


10 Tips to Create Your Business Logo Prints

Printed advertising material are essential as we said in the previous post. Maybe you want to create prints for your business by advertising agency as TheLogoNow, but perhaps would you attempt to do them yourself. In this case follow these tips and arm yourself with patience and good taste, the profession of designer is not a technique, it is also artistic.  We'll see how much design your prints, so that they are effective and that your paper communication fasses you win customers. If you wish to make your own printed advertising carefully read this article, if not, please contact us!

1. Having the right software

Printed advertising creation software is expensive, but if you want a good result you must have good software. Adobe Illustrator is the best which is great for business logos creations, but also prints. You can also use Adobe Indesign. However avoid creating your business logo or your prints with Adobe Photoshop is an excellent photo editing software, no graphic design.

2. Have the templates

Each product (business cards, flyers ...) you must have good templates, ie the size of each document, plus 2 or 3 mm on each side according to the printer you have chosen. When you have these templates you can just use your software by creating a document to the desired format with adequate margins for cutting the printer.

3. Set printing

For best results I recommend you set the parameters for 300 dpi / CMYK. You will then choose the size of your docs as well as your funds lost as said before. This setting is essential to have a good record, and especially to avoid unpleasant surprises. Indeed many creators amateurs oversights margins and thus lose all the work because the printer can not be cut correctly.

4. Create a short message

The reader of a printed advertisement will take 7 seconds on average to see if the message you are interested to spend it or not. So be concise in your message. For example you can use keywords in larger font, provided that it is not at the expense of design. But above all you must highlight a precise grip.

5. Capturing the attention:

You must capture the attention of passersby or to inspire visitors to take your print (especially during a distribution of flyers). Again you have very little time to convince. The colors, typography or your business logo will play a key role in the first picture will be the player potential. He must want to take your print and read it.

6. Without making too:

Avoid still too pedants colors like neon yellow or too present forms. Your prints, like your business logo and visual identity in general should not look like a Christmas tree. The sobriety with a little madness peak may be in order to make a good print that will inspire readers to hang in their room ... or at least read it.

7. Choose an appropriate printer

Choosing your printer is essential. You can contact a printer in your area, or on the Internet. Feel free to compare offers and prices as they can vary greatly from one printer to another. The idea is that if you are in a hurry you choose a local printer, and if you want to save money you will choose on the Internet

8. Define the ideal weight

More importantly you choose a weight, your creations will be more expensive. But if you choose a too low weight, the quality of your prints will suffer. You must choose the right compromise, which is not always easy to do. To take a business card an important gram (250g minimum). However a flyer for a very low grammage amply suffice.

9. Respect the graphic

If you have a graphic, be careful to respect the shapes, colors and possibly the design of advertising materials you have planned. And if you would not yet graphic, it would be an opportunity to create a do, or do it yourself. Respecting your graphic charter will result in a stronger visual identity if you go in all directions.

10. Opting for a sufficient amount

Try to anticipate the amount you need. I advise you to choose a high enough amount to cover your entire geographical area, and your campaign to be as useful as possible. But do not go to print 40,000 flyers if you distribute them yourself! Again common sense is required and you must be both ambitious and realistic.